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Find out more about Cyberintuit and how the platform can help foster security behavior in employees. Feel free to read through the frequently asked questions below or send us an email at

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
    Subscription are charged on the 25th of each month (unless paid in advance). A request to cancel a subscription send prior to the 25th is processed within the same month and subscriptions are cancelled immediately.
  • How many training programs can a company start?
    A subscription allows a company to start unlimited training programs consisting of awareness training and human risk assessments. We do recommend to role out training programs over a period of time to keep learning effortless and fun for employees.
  • Does Cyberintuit save my data and is my data save?
    Cyberintuit saves information to improve the platform and data processing is in line with GDPR. For more information, refer to our privacy policy.
  • How many employees can I add in my company?
    Cyberintuit allows companies to add unlimited number of employees to their account. Subscriptions plans are based on number of employee per month and allow access to awareness training and human risk assessments.
  • How to start if my company does not have cybersecurity expertise in-house?
    Cyberintuit offers 20+ ready-made paced training programs about topics such as ransomware, working from home, GDPR compliance and cybersecurity for "dummies". Alternatively, our experts can assist to tailor make training programs through managed services.
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